Sunday, March 18, 2012

King Family Double Play

We did again! We are sure to be famous for it and I am working on a trademark as we speak.

What is the King Family Double Play? It is when Carson runs a fever and goes to the ER on the same day that Francesca has a swim meet.

...............and it happened again today

...............just as it did last month too!

Carson is doing pretty well, a fever right at the magic 100.5 threshold and congestion. His counts were fine, so he is now at home.

The next swim meet is April 28th. Too bad the ER doesn't take reservations!


1 comment:

  1. You are all amazing!!! I'm glad things are progressing and praying, as always, that the day will come when all are well! Thanks for being courageous and inspiring to the rest of us.

    Barbara K.
